Info page: Hammerfall® DSP Series Driver for Mac OS 9.x® Please first decompress the driver archive
using Aladdin Stuffit Expander. After unstuffing the archive the driver files are found in folders. The name of the folders tell where to copy the files! The driver installation is done manually in 5 steps:
1. Drag the file Hammerfall DSP Driver from 'into System folder' to the System folder. It will be installed automatically into the Extension folder. Confirm the system's message to complete the installation. Now the driver file should be found in the Extension folder, see example to the right.
Configuration of the Hammerfall DSP is done through the Settings dialog, which can be called from within any ASIO compatible software (for example Audio/System/ASIO Control Panel.) To be able to call up the Settings dialog at any time we recommend to create an Alias on the desktop. To create an Alias select Hammerfall DSP Settings with the mouse cursor, press and hold the Apple and Alt keys on your keyboard, and drag Hammerfall DSP Settings to the desired location. 3. Copy the complete sub-folder Hammerfall
DSP, found in the folder 'into Preferences folder', to the system folder
Preferences. This way the files related to the HDSP system reside
in their own folder, without cluttering the Preferences folder. Additionally
deleting those files is much easier in case of a driver update. 'Hammerfall
DSP' contains 10 files:
5. Using the MIDI ports of the HDSP
system requires an installed OMS (Open Music System) from Opcode. The latest
version 2.3.8 can be downloaded for free at 2. Hardware compatibility (Top) An activation of OMS on the Titanium Powerbooks G4 550 MHz and 667 MHZ (256K level 2 cache, 1152 x 768 screen) will cause crackling in the played back audio. According to our tests, the highest number of interrupts that can occur when receiving MIDI from the HDSP, will sometimes cause the Powerbook's DMA controller to fail - causing dropouts while transferring data to the HDSP. Owners of these notebooks who need MIDI I/O functionality should consider to buy a third party MIDI interface, or to change to the compatible 400/500 MHz models. General PCI related problems The following symptoms are typical for PCI related problems:
These problems may occur with older computers (prior to G3.) They can be solved in most cases by simply using a different slot, or by exchanging slots with other PCI cards (like SCSI controllers or graphics cards.) 3. Software compatibility (Top) The Hammerfall series is compatible to all major ASIO applications, like Cubase VST, emagic Logic, Opcode Studio Vision PRO, Prosoniq Sonic WORX, TC SPARK, Peak from Bias, Motu Digital Performer, Max/MSP from Cycling '74 and Super Collider. Peak crashes in ASIO mode as soon as latency is changed This only happens while running. Stop playback and record. Under Audio/Sound Out/ASIO de-activate 'Active in background'. Now latency can be changed without problems. The function 'Reset Devices' of Cubase seems to do nothing This was a bug in Cubase. 'Reset Devices' currently only resets MIDI devices, but neither audio devices nor its internal audio engine. Copyright © 2002 RME. All rights reserved.
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