Hammerfall® DSP Series Driver for Mac OS X®
»Mac OS Overview
1. Installation
Double-click onto hdsp_xx.gz to expand the archive file to hdsp_xx.tar and the folder HDSP, which includes the driver file hdsp.mpkg. Installation works automatically by a double-click on the mpkg (master package) file. The folder HDSP also includes the Settings dialog and the HDSP mixer (TotalMix). These two programs can be copied into any folder, but have to be started at each boot at least once, in order to transfer the stored settings to the hardware. We recommend to add both programs to System Preferences/Login Items. Using the option 'Hide' both programs stay minimized in the Dock when booting. Note: since 10.3 (Panther) Login Items is found in System Preferences/User.
Reboot the computer when installation is done.
2. Features and Limitations (Top)
This driver was tested under Jaguar 10.2.8 and Panther only. Older versions of OS X are not and will not be supported.
Via System Preferences / Audio-MIDI Setup the hardware can be configured for the system wide usage. Programs that don't support card or channel selection will use the device selected as Standard-Input and Standard-Output (Soundstudio, Mplayer, Amplitube etc.).
In the lower part of the window, the audio hardware's capabilities are shown and can be changed in some cases. On the record side no changes are possible. Programs that don't support channel selection will always use channels 1/2, the first stereo pair. With a HDSP 9632 this will be the first two ADAT channels. The analog inputs can be used via a simple workaround: Optical cable from ADAT In to ADAT Out, clock mode Master. Now route the analog inputs in TotalMix to the ADAT outputs 1/2. Result: the analog signal is now present at the ADAT input channel 1/2, without additional delay.
Since OS X 10.3 playback can be configured freely and to any of the available playback channels. This is done via Speaker Setup. Even multichannel playback (Surround, DVD Player) can be set up easily.
3. Multicard Operation (Top)
OS X supports more than one audio card, even when used at the same time. Please note that at this time the only multicard-capable software known to us is Digital Performer.
Since driver version 1.4 the Hammerfall DSP OS X driver adds a number to each card, so they are fully accessible in any multicard-capable software.