Table 2. nForce and SiS chipsets

»Technical Information Index

Chipset Motherboard CPU Bios
Audio & MIDI
Latency RME-Athlon
Remarks References Editor's Notes
nForce 415 Asus A7N266-C Athlon XP 2200+ N/A W2K 768 MB Corsair DDR333 PC2700 RME 9652 LAWP 5.0/5.1 3 ms @ 40 PVs on 5 tracks (loop)/ OK Robust performance
(no dropoputs at 1.5 ms latency;
ThermalRight AX7 heatsink;
Papst 80 mm 3200 rpm fan; Enermax 550 W PSU;
CPU temp.: 41-46 degrees Celsius;
peak disk read performance: 50 Mb/sec) Attention:
nForce: if using RME Hammerfall 1.40 driver it is necessary
to make the alternative install (same as for dual CPU boards) as
not to drift Midi and Audio apart;  see;
problem solved in later versions;

Use latest bios rev. to increase PCI bandwith and PCI write speed.

For further reading regarding nForce chipset, drivers, etc; see

                1.5 ms @  39 PVs on 5 tracks (loop)/    
                60 stereo tracks/44.1 kHz/24-bit    
nForce 415 Asus A7N266-C Athlon XP 1900+ 1002c Win98SE 256 MB PC2100 DDR HDSP PCI LAWP 5.0   OK Robust performance (screen refresh
issues with Matrox G450)
nForce 415 Asus A7N266-C Athlon XP 1800+ 1002 WinXP 512 Kingston CL2 DDR DIGI9652/ N/A 1.5 ms OK Robust performance
(Matthias Carstens, RME: "Best Athlon-
based mobo tested by us so far")
nForce 420 MSI KN7420 Pro Athlon XP 1800+ N/A WinXP 512 MB DDR PC2100 DIGI9652 LAWP 4.81   OK Robust performance
    (o/c 1900+)                  
nForce 420 MSI KN7420 Pro Athlon XP 1900+ N/A Win98SE 256 MB PC2100 DDR HDSP PCI LAWP 5.1 With ATI 7500 graphic adapter: OK Robust performance (screen refresh
issues with Matrox G450)
                3 ms @ 46 PVs, 46 ms @ 38 PVs    
                186 ms @ 39 PVs      
                With Matrox G450 graphic adapter:      
                46 ms @ 38 PVs (clicks and pops at      
                lower latency)      
SiS 735 ECS K7S5A Athlon XP 1800+ N/A WinXP Pro 512 MB DDR PC2100 HDSP PCI LAWP 4.8.1 6 ms OK Robust performance ECS K7S6A (SiS 745 chipset) supports APIC (no IRQ sharing
newsgroup in ACPI mode)

For further reading regarding SiS chipset, drivers, etc.; see

SiS 735 ECS K7S5A Athlon XP 2000+ N/A WinXP Pro N/A HDSP PCI Nuendo 3 ms @ 24 tracks/44.1 MHz/32-bit OK Robust performance  

Table 3. AMD 760 MP/MPX (dual) chipsets
AMD 760 MP Tyan Tiger MP (S2460) 2 x Athlon XP 2000+ N/A WinXP Pro 1 GB DDR DIGI9652 Nuendo 1.53 N/A OK (60+playback tracks + 16 recording tracks w/ plugins) User reports initial problems with installation & configuration Attention:
                  @ 20-40 ms latency (external monitoring)/44.1 kHz/32-bit Enermax 431 watt PSU; ACPI mode "on".   Tyan MP/MPX: use only registered ECC RAM, Enermax PSU
AMD 760 MP Tyan Tiger MP (S2460) 2 x Athlon 1600 N/A W2K 1 GHz PC133 RAM DIGI9652 SAWStudio 2.x N/A OK (72 solid audio tracks + Autotune, DSP-FX, Sonic   newsgroup: iqsoft 2002-03-12 (> 430 W recommended), disable on-board 3Com Ethernet adpter;
                  Timeworks, Ozone plugins @ < 65% cpu load)     External 64-bit LinkSys ethernet adapter recommended.
AMD 760 MP Tyan Tiger MP (S2460) 2 x Athlon MP 1800+ 1,3 W2KSP2 1024 MB DDRAM PC266 HDSP SAWStudio 2.6b N/A OK (8 solid tracks/2 hours/44.1kHz/24-bit glitch-free) Enermax 431 Watt PSU; ACPI multiprocessor configured. Stability is not guaranteed on Tyan 2460/2462/2466 with more than 3
AMD 760 MPX Tyan Tiger MPX (S2466) 1 x Athlon XP 1700+ 1,1 WinXP 1024 MB ECC/REG SDRAM HDSP Nuendo 1.5 ms OK On-board 3Com Ethernet adapter disabled. newsgroup: GB memory (> 6 slots); newsgroup: alt.comp.periphs.mainboard.tyan 
AMD 760 MPX Tyan Tiger MPX (S2466n) 2 x Athlon MP 1900+ 1,01 WinXP Pro 1024 MB Kingston non-ECC RAM DIGI9652 Cubase 5.1 r2 pb2 23 ms (user reports good OK (user reports that RME 9652 Hammerfall does not work User reports boot-up problems with Matrox G450. 2002-06-24; One user reports compatibility issues with RME 9652
                performance at lower latencies) in 64-bit PCI slots)     and the 64-bit PCI slots.
AMD 760 MPX Asus A7M266-D 2 x Athlon XP 2000+ A05 WinXP Pro 1024 MB Mushkin PC2100 DDR SDRAM HDSP Samplitude 2496 6.05 1.5 ms ASIO OK  
              Cakewalk Pro 9/etc. (in Samplitude: VIP buffer        
                settings 2000; buffer no: 4)        

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